
Hiya! Hope you are having a relaxing and lovely weekend. Oh! I bought two zines this week. I know you are probably thinking zines? really? Yeah I forgot about them too! I saw this video and I was all nostalgic about them. I remember many years ago wanting to make some with a friend. Unfortunately it never came to fruition. I totally enjoyed the ones I purchased this week. Here they are: Little peach and Who were you in a past life? Highly recommend!

I am working on decorative tiles digital patterns that I hope to have done very soon. I am going to also sell the individual tiles separately if anyone is interested in that option as well.

I compiled a list of things I thought were great items to check out. Let me know what you think.

1. Stunning cookie decorating video.

2. Amazing photos from a storm chaser.

3. Fabulous dioramas.

4. Love Succulentfleur’s art.

5. Recent addition to my Etsy shop. Check out my shop section to see more places to purchase my work. 

6. Come on over and check out my Freebies page (No Credit card required. Just skip the payment section).

Please leave comments. I would love to read them! See ya in a couple weeks!