
Hiya! I hope you all had a good week. It was so great spending time with my mom and family. I made these crocus plants for the ladies. They were a hit! Great food and even better company.

I am going to be working on offering some digital washi tape in my shop. Keep an eye out for those in the future.

Here are a few things for you to check out:

1. The Four Winds. Just finished this book and I loved it!

2. My pasta board arrived! Woooo I can’t wait to use this.

3. 1950’s Japanese typewriter. Wow!

4. Most popular artist in your country? Take a look.

5. Recent addition to my Etsy shop. Check out my shop section to see more places to purchase my work. 

6. Come on over and check out my Freebies page (No Credit card required. Just skip the payment section).

Please leave comments. I would love to read them! See ya in a couple weeks!