
Hiya! This week zoomed by fast. Did your week fly by or was it slow? I made a heart border collection that I just added to my Etsy shop and other stock sites (see link below). I will probably be making a few more of these borders as well. Let's just hope people want to buy them. I have tons of stuff to make these swirly borders.

I am hopefully going to participate in a Homwork assignment this week. Your assignment is to letter or illustrate a tiny thing in life that has the ability to ruin your day. I want you to think of something light-hearted but specific that ALWAYS makes you go "NOOOOOOO!", and then poke fun at it. I am trying to think of what to make. Here are a few things for you to check out:

1. We just finished watching The Staircase on Netflix. Woah! I don't even know what to think. If you like Crime Documentaries i'm sure you will enjoy this. 

2. Butterflies drinking TURTLE TEARS!? Um, What?

3. More Recycling Won't Solve Plastic Pollution. 

4. Recent addition to my Etsy shop. Check out my shop section to see more places to purchase my work. 

5. Come on over and check out my Freebies page (No Credit card required. Just skip the payment section). I add a new freebie every month. 

Please leave comments. I would love to read them! See ya next week!