
Hiya! I just posted "z" the last letter on my Instagram. Don't worry! It isn't over yet. There are still 10 numbers but that one was the last letter. What a fun project! I hope you enjoyed following along with me. Thank you for all the likes and comments. Out of the set of four above I think M and N and my favs. Which are yours? These are from the 36 days of type lettering Instagram challenge . If you want to check out the project, search the hashtag #36daysoftype. 

1. An Interesting Question.  

2. Please take the time to watch I am Evidence on HBO. 

3. Come on over and check out my Freebies page (No Credit card required. Just skip the payment section). I add a new freebie every month. 

Please leave comments. I would love to read them! See ya next week!